Our Fabulous Fourth

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We were humbled and honored to be able to sing at the 28th Annual Naturalization Ceremony on July 4th, when 525 new U.S. citizens took their citizenship oath at Seattle Center. Thanks so much to ceremony organizers Alma Franulovich Plancich … Read More

Ahh… summer in Seattle!

posted in: Local Performances | 0

Thanks to everyone who came out to hear us perform yesterday at the Shoreline Arts Festival.  We beat the rain by mere minutes! Rain would not necessarily have stopped us from performing at our next scheduled venue, the Bothell Live … Read More

Never Enough COTS?

posted in: Local Performances | 0

We will be performing at both the Shoreline and Bothell arts festivals this summer on Saturday, June 23rd. Come out and explore these great summer community activities, and listen to some “encore” performances from our 2012 Pops concert! Shoreline Arts … Read More