Ahh… summer in Seattle!

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Thanks to everyone who came out to hear us perform yesterday at the Shoreline Arts Festival.  We beat the rain by mere minutes!

Rain would not necessarily have stopped us from performing at our next scheduled venue, the Bothell Live Arts Festival.  Unfortunately, however, there also was a power failure that left us without our mikes and, most importantly, our keyboard for accompaniment.

We were not to be 100% deterred, though!  A few determined COTS members who had been sitting in a covered area by the stage awaiting official word on whether we would be able to perform noted that there were one or two people to a choral part sitting right there and we did have one a capella number on the program.  So, of course, they began singing the opening lines to “Let the River Run,” which had turned out to be a huge audience favorite from our recent Pops concert–and was one of our favorites as well.  Also of course, these few were almost immediately joined by pretty much all the other COTS members there.  We finished the song and were able to entertain the hardy souls who were braving the soggy weather at the festival.  It really was a great moment, crystallizing not just our joy at singing but our joy at singing together; you could sense our tiny but appreciative audience getting caught up in it.  Don’t you want to catch some of this??  Of course you do!!  So order your 2012-13 season tickets now!